Who are we?
Given that 4 million people suffer from 'empty nest syndrome' and 98% of parents and guardians report feeling extremely stressed when the academic year begins. Ohana collaborate with a number of universities to support parents and guardians who are vulnerable to empty nest syndrome across the country.
In an effort to help you adjust to your child moving to University, we offer support prior to your child departing. We have formed a virtual community for parents and guardians to share advice and have discussions with each other, along with a series of virtual events that walk you through a variety of topics, including mental health and managing stress. These resources will be available for the whole of time your child is at university.
We don’t stop there! We provide a parent and guardian support pack that includes a range of tools that can be picked up move in day. These resources are designed to tackle all the causes of empty nest syndrome. Additionally, to help you feel less worried about how your child is doing, we also provide methods for maintaining your relationship.
“Ohana has helped me as a single parent with support and understanding, it’s a great community ”
“I am so grateful for Ohana services, their workshops and their positive support, it really helped me prepare for my daughter before she left.”
“I feel like all the other Ohana members understood me, my daughter has made lots of new friends and I have too.”
“I would have struggled without this Ohana platform. I can always rely on other parents to answer my questions. I am so grateful!”