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riley crisp riley crisp

This is all new to me.

Next week at this time, I will have helped my 19-year-old son with moving into his room at university. It’s his first year so everything is all new. I'm over worrying myself sick, but I'm trying to be cool. I can't eat, my sleep is disturbed, and I already miss him even though he hasn't left yet. How often should I contact him? I'm not sure. I don’t want to look like I don’t give a damn in what he is doing! How often do you and your son or daughter communicate with you? What is acceptable amount during the initial weeks so that I don't push him away? After that, how many interactions or visits? Since he is in university, my son is more than 3.5 hours away but he has never spent more than a week apart. His course is 4 years and at the moment I feel like I won’t cope for this length of time.

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riley crisp riley crisp

My son goes to uni in a month and I feel like I'm grieving.

I was feeling alright about my son going off to university, but I've been a complete mess ever since I had a horrible dream a few nights ago about him moving into halls. I'm extremely mindful of his happiness and excitement about it, but the idea of him being gone makes me nauseous, and I can't stop crying. I have no idea how I'm going to survive the upcoming days, weeks, or months. I'm sure many parents on here have dropped off their children. How are you managing?

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riley crisp riley crisp

How often shall I contact my son at Uni?

Hello everyone. I was just curious about the often I should be keeping in touch with my son after he has moved away to attend university. I just want to make sure that I don't come out as an overbearing mother. Thanks guys!

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riley crisp riley crisp

What Do I Do? (Move in Day)

Hi. I have no experience of this university stuff. On move in day, do I help carry stuff to her room and leave her to sort everything out herself or do I help her move in and unpack? I honestly have no idea what is the thing to do.

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riley crisp riley crisp

Packaging on a budget?

Hi everyone. Could someone please advise me on how to approach the packing list? Does anyone have any tips? Budget friendly? Thank you. Sarah x

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riley crisp riley crisp

Move in day

Daughter is off to uni and I'm wondering how manic the moving in will be? I read on the uni's website that you should be prepared to be sat in long traffic queues. How long are parents allowed to stay whilst we help unpack? Any other tips?

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riley crisp riley crisp

How to Cope with Your Child Moving Far Away?

Hello. My daughter is my dearest friend and my only child. Her moving so far away from me is going to be incredibly difficult for me. Would someone who has perhaps gone through the process before be able to give me some advice? Every time I think about her going, I cry. Please help me. Thank you.

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riley crisp riley crisp

I would like some advice please.

Help! Luckily my daughter will only be around 180 miles away from me but I'm really struggling, whilst also excited for her, that she'll now longer be around day to day. What tips/advice do fellow parents have for dealing with loneliness once she's gone?

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